
High-Protein Diet

High Protein Diet

A high-protein diet is a fairly popular diet. Initially developed by Dr. Atkins, and therefore high-protein diets are still commonly referred to as the Atkins diet. But as it progresses, this diet is very much a lot of modifications from other experts. They believe that a high-protein diet provides several advantages, such as being able to suppress appetite for less caloric intake. A diet with a protein intake of 30% of total calories coming into the body is considered normal today. While the definition of high-protein diet is a diet with a protein intake of 50% or more of the total intake of calories per day.
A high-protein diet with sufficient carbohydrate intake, combined with exercise is routinely thought to reduce fat levels in the body and maintain muscle mass. But until now experts have not reached a mutually agreed conclusion about the ability of proteins in reducing appetite. They argue that a diet high in protein reduces the hormones that cause hunger. In addition there is also a conclusion there are also opinions because proteins do not increase insulin levels that reduce fluctuations in blood sugar levels, and therefore cause less hunger.Evidence From Scientific Studies:
According to the American Dietetic Association is still needed more in-depth research before this diet can be ascertained as the most successful diet and can be recommended for everyone. Then why is this diet becoming so popular around the world? Regardless of the pros and cons regarding the scientific foundation of this diet, many have tried and succeeded in losing their weight. As an example is published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition:Test Subject given diet with macronutrient balance as follows:-. Fat as much as 20% of total calories-. Protein as much as 30% of total calories-. Carbohydrates account for 50% of total calories
As a result, the test subjects reported that they:-. Feel fuller all day-. Fewer hungry-. Weight loss
Another study published in the Journal of Nutrition combines high-protein diets with regular exercise programs. It was reported that those who underwent the diet were able to lose weight.How Much Protein Do You Need?
Everyone needs protein at every stage of life. Protein is one of the main components in cells in the human body, including muscle and bone cells. Proteins are needed for: Growth, Repair Damaged cells, Immunity against infection and protection of the body.
The recommendation of the ideal protein intake for our body is between 10% - 35% of the total normal calories. So for example the ideal calorie for you is 2,000 calories, then the total ideal protein you should consume ranges between 200 - 700 calories. For the record, 1 gram of protein is equivalent to 4 calories. Therefore from the example above, the ideal protein amount you should consume is 50 grams - 175 grams.
Are there any side effects from consuming excessive amounts of protein? Until now there is still a difference from the experts. Some say safe as long as you do not have kidney and or liver disease. There are also those who argue high-protein diets harmful to kidney health and in the long run can accelerate the occurrence of osteoporosis. But the safest way is to consult your doctor first.Best Protein Source
Protein is very important for the body, but the same is also with carbohydrates, and fat (good). For a high-protein diet try to include a healthy source of protein with less saturated fat and cholesterol in it. As an example is:-. Egg whites-. Pieces of Meat Without Fat-. Nuts, such as soybeans-. Low-fat milk-. High-protein vegetables such as broccoli
For carbohydrate options, here are examples of good carbohydrates for the body:-. Vegetables-. Wheat, Oatmeal, Red Rice, Sweet Potatoes-. Fruits
For fat sources, good sources of fat include:-. Nuts-. Grains, like Flaxseed seeds-. Olive oil-. Oil from Fish

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