
Carbohydrate Diet

Carbohydrate diet is a diet that reduces the intake of carbohydrates or avoiding foods that contain high carbohydrates in order to lose weight. Examples of carbohydrate foods are pasta, bread, rice, cereals, and others, including fruits and vegetables that contain carbohydrates. This carbohydrate diet diet usually eat foods that are high in protein and fat.

Why Choose Carbohydrate Diet?
Bad carbs (such as those found in sugar, white bread, pasta, crackers, and cereals) containing a high glycemic index. That is, these foods cause an increase in blood sugar suddenly and sharply. If not used, the blood sugar will be stored as fat.

Under normal conditions, the body burns carbohydrates for fuel or energy. When carbohydrate intake drastically reduced with a diet of carbohydrates, the body will begin the process of burning fat kitosis to get fuel. When fat is burned and become the main source of energy, weight gain was likely to be reduced.
Low-carb diets are alleged to help prevent or repair the serious health conditions, such as metabolic syndrome, diabetes, high blood pressure (hypertension), and cardiovascular disease. Carbohydrate diet can also increase HDL cholesterol. But there is not enough evidence to say if the low-carbohydrate diets beneficial for heart health.

Carbohydrate Diet Is it safe?
Quite difficult to completely eliminate carbohydrates from food intake. Carbohydrates are the body's main source of energy. If carbohydrate intake is reduced suddenly and dramatically, a variety of side effects such as fatigue, headaches, bad breath, fatigue, constipation, or diarrhea may be experienced.
Moreover, in the long term can cause the body's carbohydrate diet lacking in fiber, vitamins or minerals, causing bone loss, and improving digestive disorders, as well as the risk of many chronic diseases. Carbohydrate diet was not recommended for pregnant women because it can be unsafe for the unborn baby.
Research shows if a low-carbohydrate diet thought to be more potent in losing weight in the first year than the low-fat diet. But after one year, weight loss between the two types is the same diet.
Allegedly carbohydrate diet is safe to do in the short term but it is unclear whether there are long-term health risks posed. This is because most studies lasted less than one year.

Some health experts believe that if you replace calories from carbohydrate with fat and animal protein consumed in large amounts can increase the risk of heart disease or certain cancers. Nutritionists are still doubts if the low-carb diets restrict healthy foods such as grains and vegetables and certain fruits.
Rather than restricting carbohydrate intake, it is recommended to reduce sugary foods such as candy, chocolate, biscuits, cakes, or soft drinks with added sugar. If often consumed, foods high in calories and sugar can be can increase the risk of tooth decay and weight gain.
Advised to consume healthier sources of carbohydrates such as whole grains, potatoes, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and low fat dairy products with nutrients that are beneficial for the body. Fiber in these foods helps keep the stomach to stay healthy and make you satisfied.
If you are considering doing carbohydrate diet, consult with your doctor or nutritionist to see if the diet is suitable for you or not.

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