
Diet Kelor Leafs

Many testimonials that mention that kelor can lose weight, especially from consumers of products made from 100% powder kelor leaf that claims to lose weight. Scientifically it can be explained that the role of Kelor in the effort to lose weight, especially because the plant is low in fat and has a high quality nutritional content.
According to The Moringa Tree of Life Organization, Kelor is rich in Vitamin B1, B2 and B3, which the body needs to convert food into energy instead of storing it as fat. Vitamin B in Moringa leaves also helps digest and convert food for energy and can increase the body's metabolism. Another factor is that the leaves of Kelor can lower bad cholesterol and reduced bad cholesterol impact on weight loss ..
As a weight loss supplement, Moringa leaves are often eaten raw as lalaban, mixed in drinks, cooked in vegetables, soups, or used as hot tea, cold drinks, or consumed in capsule form as a source of food and nutrients.
Instead, consume Kelor with 3 forms of use in one day with a gradual dose. For example, drinking leaf powder capsules Kelor as much as 2-3 capsules in the morning, mix 1 teaspoon kelor leaf powder in the food, and drink hot Kelor tea at night.
The excess of dried moringa leaf powder can be stored in a dry place for years without fear of damage or loss of nutritional content. These powders can also be packed into gelatin capsules for use as dietary supplements. Weight loss by consuming the leaves of Moringa in any form, preferably gradually and drink daily Kelor leaf tea for the intake of low fat and low calorie nutritional value.
It is advisable to always consult a health professional before using the Kelor leaf to lose weight. However, keep in mind that not all doctors have heard about the efficacy of moringa and know the results of recent research on the efficacy and benefits, so do not hesitate to do your own research by trying it. Why ? Because Kelor is a 100% natural source of nutrition and is a safe and organic food supplement. Being healthy is an option and it really depends on how to meet daily nutritional requirements for the body. And, Kelor provides almost all of our daily nutritional needs.
One of the Kelor leaf capsule products, Moringa Zinga, claims that after a few days of consuming leaf powder aphid capsules, most people experience: increased energy, weight loss, smooth and healthy looking skin, reduced muscle pain and joint pain, Decreased appetite, balanced blood sugar levels, allergy free, mental clarity and reduce anxiety. In addition, Moringa leaf powder in capsule form also provides nutrients and boosts immunity, improves blood circulation, promotes healthy digestion, promotes regular heart and kidney function, lowers cholesterol and normalizes blood pressure. All of the above benefits can be found in 100% natural Kelor leaf powder.
The claim is very reasonable because the Kelor leaf contains the most potent nutrients compared to the leaves of other trees. Kelor leaf contains more than 46 antioxidants, 36 anti-inflammatory compounds, all 8 essential amino acids, and rich in Omega 3, Omega 6 and Omega 9 oils. Learn more see the nutrient content of Kelor. In addition, the Kelor leaf contains the highest source of chlorophyll in the plant kingdom.
By A Dudi Krisnandi on his Page

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